Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Under the Gun...



Just thought I'd post a wee update since I've been very slack in doing so!
All is well as well can be over here. I've been working away and writing as those who read Devon & Jon's story Brilliant Disguise will know that :)
Thanks again for an overwhelming response to the story. I won't lie that it tickles me pink to see it but more importantly I'm glad that people are just enjoying their story, so thank you :)

Earthquakes are still very much a part of daily life and probably will be for sometime. June's big ones certainly caught me by surprise but again we're slowly getting back to some form of normal. It'll be sometime before my CBD is rebuilt, probably 10-15years and I can tell you now as I look out over Wellington's CBD full of mini-skyscrapers it's certainly very weird not to have that at home anymore while it all remains closed off to be demolished over the next two years.

Writing has kept me semi-sane through this experience so that's one thing I'm grateful for and the other one is very good friends through the Jovi-community. I am very lucky to have some really key people that have given me a lot of strength over the last few months.

So where to from here? Well I am trying to think of something to do with this space--to make things interesting so stay tuned for that. Devon and Jon's story will continue and at some stage my new couple will come onto the scene, making their debut in 1984. :)

Don't melt over the summer and don't freeze if you're over my side of the ocean this winter!

Be in touch soon.

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